ICT policies and regulations continue to undergo considerable change as governments and regulatory authorities search for increasing effectiveness in stimulating the sector, ensuring its sustainability, and ensuring fair services for consumers. Intelecon has advised on and promoted: independent and accountable regulators, evidence-based and transparent decision-making, technological and service neutrality, ex ante and market-driven solutions (including PPPs and open tenders), de-nationalizing industry, as well as a full range of associated legal, economic, and political components.
Developing progressive policies and tailoring effective regulations are fundamental to any successful ICT program. Intelecon has a breadth of understanding of these interdependent components – including international best practice (that meets WTO and European Union requirements) and in-depth knowledge of developing country and emerging market strategies.
Intelecon has acquired this extensive knowledge and understanding through our international work in over 50 countries over 25 years, for private sector clients, government agencies, regulatory authorities, or national incumbent operators.
Progressive, Pro-Investment Policies
Intelecon advises national governments on how they can take greater leadership in the creation of stable, pro-investment environments that facilitate greater ICT integration. Among the many interventions that can be identified for implementation are the following:
- The establishment of independent regulatory bodies to monitor and guide the national development of the ICT sector;
- The creation of competitive, liberalized environments. Government has a role to ensure that the ICT sector is more efficient and focused on the provision of valued services in a fair and competitive manner;
- The creation of pro-investment opportunities to encourage ICT expansion. This includes lowered import duties and taxes on ICT equipment to encourage greater investment for the future; and,
- Targeted and realistic e-government strategies that create demand for and usage of ICT products, tools and services in the market place.
Our services include:
- Telecommunications sector reform;
- Policy & regulatory advice;
- Legal analysis;
- Economic analysis;
- Technology solutions for network development;
- Financial/funding solutions; and,
- Professional training and capacity-building.
Our expertise includes:
- Demand & affordability modeling;
- Advice on liberalization and privatization;
- Legal drafting;
- Development of universal service/access including broadband;
- Establishing rural development funds;
- Developing licensing regimes;
- Developing interconnection policy, rules, and guidance;
- Developing pro-competitive tariff policies and enforcement capabilities; and,
- Many other policy formulation and regulatory matters.
Intelecon's proven effectiveness in developing ICT policies and regulations is rooted in the design of customised solutions and in the considered implementation of these solutions through professional training, public relations, consultative, monitoring and enforcement actions.